Living faith christian center


Reaching People and Touching Lives

ministries of helps
Armor Bearers Ministry

Armor Bearers aid the pastor and First Lady, providing assistance before, during and after service.  They provide assistance on some missionary outreaches.  This ministry of helps worker is appointed by the Pastor.

Baptismal Ministry

The Baptismal Ministry assists with the Baptismal Ceremony and provides the information necessary for baptismal candidates to come prepared for baptism.

Bereavement Ministry

LFCC Bereavement Ministry is to assist our members during the loss of their love ones.  We make calls and/or possibly visits prior to and after the Homegoing Celebration.  We also assist for the Homegoing Celebration serving as Choir Members, Greeters, Hospitality Workers, Ushers, and other ministry of helps necessary during the time of bereavement.

Bookstore Ministry
LFCC Bookstore facilitates the sale of ministry tapes, CD’s, DVD’s and other religious items.
Communion Maintenance Ministry

Living Faith Communion Maintenance Ministry ensures that the communion buckets and trays are sanitized.

Communion Servers Ministry

LFCC Communion Servers assist the deacons, elders, and ministers in serving communion.

Construction/Maintenance Ministry

Construction/Maintenance provides support and manpower to efficiently and effectively execute the construction of projects and maintenance needs of LFCC.

Dance Ministry

The dance ministry demonstrates love for the Lord in expressive worship and dance.  It is an extension of the praise and worship experience. We play an important part within the body of Christ. We work corporately to prepare the atmosphere and invite in the Lord’s presence. It is an awesome responsibility to offer God’s gift to you, and back to Him.

Deacon Ministry

The LFCC Deacon Ministry is an extension of the Pastor, providing assistance in the ministry and aid in the care of the people to fulfill the vision.

Domestic Home Care Ministry

The LFCC Domestic Home Care Ministry provides weekly meals, tidy up living area, sweep, wash dishes, make beds, and etc. for our homebound members.

Drama Ministry

The LFCC Drama Ministry presents live characterizations, providing visual demonstration to support the written word.

Evangelism Ministry

The LFCC Ministry is an outreach with a mission to reach the lost and un-churched, to tell them of the Good News of Jesus Christ and the ABC’s (Acknowledge, Believe and Confess) of Salvation.

Floral & Decorating Ministry

The Floral & Decorating Ministry is responsible for the beautification of the sanctuary for general church and other special services.

Follow-Up Ministry

LFCC Follow-Up Ministry makes personal contact via telephone with all first time visitors and non-members who have received personal ministry.  This ministry of helps worker is appointed by the Pastor.

Foundation for Victorious Living Ministry

LFCC Foundation for Victorious Living classes are designed to provide new members with basic foundational teachings of the bible.

Greeters Ministry

The LFCC Greeters Ministry is servant focused, with the enhancement of worship as its primary goal.  We gladly welcome and extend hospitality to all that enter into any service where God can be magnified.  We are more than a ‘handshake’ and a ‘smile’. We express God’s love by setting the tone for the upcoming Worship Experience.

This Ministry is designed to make all first time visitors and members feel welcome and loved, at every opportunity.

We are The Ministry of First Impressions.

View the LFCC Greeters here!

Hall Monitoring Ministry

The Hall Monitoring Ministry maintains order in the foyer, hallways and restrooms during service.

Hospitality Ministry
The LFCC Hospitality Committee Ministry is designed to minister to Pastor Raymond W. Johnson and First Lady Mildred Johnson as well as their guests by providing and serving them with meals, snacks, and refreshments as necessary during services and special activities.


It is our primary goal to support the vision of Pastor and First Lady as they minister to the body of Christ. We believe that they should only have one thing on their mind when preparing for worship; which is delivering the word of God. Therefore, we provide adequate nourishment and replenishment for them so that they have the time to focus on the Word God has given them.


The Hospitality Ministry is anointed to serve because of our love for God, our Pastor, First Lady and God’s peopleThe Word states in I Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” This love motivates us to minister nourishment to our leaders and their guests. It is our desire that they leave having been well fed, both spiritually and physically.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The Intercessory Prayer Ministry is an intricate part of LFCC’s Ministry.  One of our primary purposes is to stand in the gap for others to pull down strong holds, cast down imaginations and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.  We pray for the needs and desires of our Ministry as well as extending our prayers for the Body of Christ, salvation of souls, governmental officials, the world and others in need of prayer.


Every time we come together for prayer, we lift a number of prayers to our Father in Heaven. We pray  for other ministries, churches, pastors, fellowships, denominations. We also pray for other cities, states and countries all over the world. We believe that people from everywhere will call in for prayer and/or agreement as they become aware of the tenacity, dedication and commitment of LIVING FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER’S INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY.  We know that our prayers are answered because we walk by faith and not by sight.
Jewel of Yester Year Ministry

This ministry is a fellowship and ministry of senior members (age 62 and above).  We participate in community outreach and social activities.

Married Couples Ministry

The purpose of Married Couples Ministry is to create a strong bond of unity in marriages by continuously ministering effective teaching and fellowship.  At Living Faith Christian Center, we receive continuous ministry on marriage by our Pastor through regular services and by the example of daily living that he and his wife portray according to the word of God. It is our Pastor’s wish that this ministry provide fellowships and retreats specifically designed for the married couples. We have set forth to provide at least one get-a-way (retreat) per quarter to enhance and enrich our marital bond.

Media Audio Ministry

The Living Faith Media – Audio Ministry aids the congregation in building their relationship and knowledge of God by having the sound equipment working properly  to ensure the production of quality tapes, CD’s and DVD’s which are made available in the Bookstore.

Media-Photography Ministry

The LFCC Media – Photography Ministry captures snapshots to be a building block tool for personal and historical memories for the entire body of Christ.  It is also a valuable assets in the public relations arena.

Media-Television Ministry

The LFCC Media – Television Ministry operates the cameras to produce television videos for live and pre-recorded broadcast to be viewed on local and national television stations as well as Live Streaming.

Media Website Ministry

The LFCC Media – Website Ministry assists with updates, input contents and designs to the LFCC website.

Medical Ministry
The LFCC Medical Ministry maintains a presence during service and special events in case of medical emergencies. Medically trained workers are available to monitor various medical conditions.


We are a volunteer based ministry that provides professional services to the people on the LFCC campuses. We are the responders that assist with any type of medical incident that occurs. We assess all medical related incidents, whether there is a bite in the nursery or a coded situation within our facilities, we will respond.


Our main goal is to be aware of our surroundings, respond in situations, isolate the incident, and document all events, (A.R.I.D.). We attempt to be as discrete as possible and maintain the privacy and integrity of all people that might need our assistance. It is also necessary to follow up on all events that require our assistance.
Ministry of Helps Coordinators

“…It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:2-4)

A Helps Ministry Coordinator is a liaison between the Pastor and the Ministry of Helps team. They are an interface and conduit of information to and from the Pastor. As our ministry has expanded, the task of scheduling meetings, coordinating meeting locations and keeping up the daily administration of all the Helps Ministries became too overwhelming and time consuming for the Pastor to handle alone. Thus, was the birth of Helps Ministry Coordinators.

More Than Conquerors Ministry

More Than Conquerors is an outreach ministry of LFCC with a mission to reach men and women who are experiencing difficulty overcoming addictions and walking in victory.

Music Ministry
“LFCC Music Ministry ushers God’s people into His presence with praise and worship”
The Living Faith Christian Center Music Department consists of musicians and singers who
have been called by God to minister in song to the Lord and to the congregation here at LFCC.
Our first commitment is to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, having Accepted, Believed and
Confessed him as Lord. Each participant has successfully completed the Foundation for
Victorious Living Classes, which have equipped us with the basic knowledge and
understanding of our Salvation, Prayer and Bible Study, The Holy Spirit and Ministry of Helps.
The music department has grown tremendously over the years, and transformed from a small
praise team to a large adult choir. The LFCC Music Department performs music that glorifies God.
We sing Kingdom songs that speak of our victorious life in Christ, our praise and adoration to the
Lord Jesus Christ, of the victory of the Lamb over the enemy, and songs that reflect the specific
Word given to our house.
The choir sets the atmosphere and tone of each of the two Sunday morning worship services
and the Wednesday night Bible Study each week. It is our commitment to practice and rehearse
on a regular basis, so that we can perfect our gifts and play and sing skillfully. Furthermore, we
are committed to live Godly lifestyles that bring Glory to God and serves as a positive testimony
to those whom we minister.
We do not want to merely sing about a Great and Mighty God, but rather be living witnesses
and testimonies of God’s goodness and mercy in our own personal lives.
Therefore, our mission is to be A team of gifted and anointed musicians and singers who are
empowered to minister the Word of God through music. As a united body, we will develop and
assist Pastor Raymond W. Johnson in carrying out the vision of “Reaching the World with the
Word of God, teaching them to be Victorious and Successful.”
Nursing Home Ministry
LFCC Nursing Home Ministry conducts visits, makes calls, encourages, and aids those confined.
Personal Ministry
LFCC Personal Ministry has as it’s primary objectives:

1.  To support the Pastor in ministering to the incoming harvest.
2.  To minister and pray with those souls who respond to the altar call.

The Lord God Almighty has declared that the harvest
is truly plentous, but the labourers are few. Matthew 9:37-38

Therefore, we are prayerfully seeking labourers for the incoming harvest. Moreover, the bible declares that:

“He who wins souls is wise” Proverbs 11:30

Pre-Marital Ministry

The LFCC Pre-Marital Ministry is preparatory classes for couples that are contemplating matrimony.

Prison Ministry
The LFCC Prison Ministry visits, encourages, preaches and teaches the word of God to those who are incarcerated.  It is designed to minister to incarcerated, underage offenders who are currently maintained at the Jetson Correctional Institute. Using the uncompromised Word of God as a tool, we are able to encourage, exhort, rebuke, and reprove inmates concerning their present situation as they seek to uncover and reconcile the reality of their lives.


The Word of God states in 2 Corinthians 5:18-19 “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.”


We believe that youth offenders are at a critical juncture in their lives. This is a period whereas their lives can be changed for better or worse. It is our goal to reach out to these young men and women, that they might have the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to respond to Him as their Savior and Deliverer.


It is also out desire to disciple them that they may be nurtured to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is an essential factor for permanent, positive change in their lives.
Recovery Ministry
The LFCC Recovery Ministry offers prayers, make calls, visits homes and hospitals, and makes sure the needs are being met for those on our Healing and Restoration list. It is designed to minister to the needs of our members at Living Faith Christan Center during the season in the valley of sickness and disease. It was birthed from the Word of God,”…they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover (Mark 16:18).”

Our goal is to exhort and encourage the sick and diseased, helping them to stand in the faith and believe and speak what God says instead of what their circumstances or bodies dictate to them during this season.

In order to do this we PRAY:

P-provide a blanket of prayer for them.

R-reach out to them with God’s love and comfort according to 2 Corinthians 1-4.

A-assist them by encouraging them with the word of God, prayer of agreement, gifts, inspirational cards, visitation…etc.

Y-yolk ourselves with them, helping them through this season in the valley, so that they may reach the manifestation of our Fathers healing power in their lives.

Finally we recognize through revelation from God’s word that the same spirit that raised Jesus form the dead lives in us, and that this spirit is greater than any sickness or disease. (Romans 8:11) Here we stand, because the word of God says after you have done all to stand, stand. (Ephesians 6:13-14)

Security Parking Lot Ministry
The Security/Parking Lot Ministry provides parking assistance especially for the elderly and impaired.  In addition, it provides a safe and secure environment to all worshipers attending church at Living Faith Christian Center and welcome them with the love of the Lord.


Through cooperation, mutual support, and involvement of others in the Ministry of Helps, our staff of courteous professionals shall consistently strive to deliver responsive, effective, and timely service, which reflects the values of excellence and accountability in serving those persons attending our church.


Ps. 84:10 Better is one day in your courts that a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
Singles Ministry

At LFCC the Singles Ministry develops unmarried persons (never married, widowed, separated, divorced) as healthy, whole and complete individuals in the body of Christ.

Social Services Ministry

The LFCC Social Services Ministry serves our members and the community by linking individuals and families to  needed services.

Strong Men Fellowship Ministry

Strong Men Fellowship Ministry trains and develops our strong men to be successful and victorious in every area of their lives, through fellowship, outreach and preaching and teaching the word of God.

Transportation Ministry

LFCC Transportation Ministry provides transportation to perform ministry business and for those in need to attend service.

Usher Ministry
The Usher Ministry is the official doorkeepers at LFCC, whose primary function is to assist the ministerial staff by the escorting, directing, seating and the general keeping of order for persons who come to participate in worship services. This includes Bible Study and other activities at LFCC.


We also provide assistance for safety in the area of traffic and crowd control. The ushers should have at all times an “attitude of excellence” along with a desire for the personal ministry to those who visit and attend LFCC.
Virtuous Women of Faith Ministry

The Virtuous Women of Faith Ministry is Women Fellowship which creates a strong bond of sisterhood and solidarity among the women through fellowship and outreach.

Young Adult Ministry

College and Young Adult Ministry is designed to create an environment where young adults can be edified, encouraged, and matured as believers in Christ.